I Really Am Just Like Demi Lovato And Patrick Mahomes #DreamChasers

That right there is proof that your dreams can come true if you simply speak them into existence. That right there is just three regular people (Demi Lovato, Patrick Mahomes, Me) with hopes and dreams who made it happen because they put the energy into the universe. The things you want to do can't come true if you don't talk about them and try to make them happen. The proof is in the pudding.

Demi tweeted about one day singing the National Anthem at the Super Bowl and guess what happened?

She sang her heart out for the world to see at the Super Bowl.

Patrick tweeted about how cool it would be to quarterback a team to a Super Bowl victory and guess what happened? 

He led the Chiefs to a comeback victory in the Super Bowl.

I begged and pleaded and tweeted at every opportunity about wanting to be the Luggage Guy and guess what happened? 

I moved that luggage like you wouldn't believe.

I, along with Demi Lovato and Patrick Mahomes, visualized my dreams and chased them down with reckless abandon. You can do the same. If you can dream it you can do it.

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